My nail beds suck - and other beauty problems that aren't just for Plastics

Apparently, there’s a lot of things that can be wrong on your body.

While I don’t quite agree with Cady and the Plastics, we all get a little nit-picky over our reflections once in a while. As long as you don’t let it ruin your day, there are simple ways you can overcome your beauty boo-boos.


1. My hairline is so weird

I once asked my boyfriend to shave my hairline and give me a female version of a lineup. He refused but with good reason: it’ll just grow back and be even weirder. We all have those baby hairs that stick left, right, and centre, and we’ve all got sideburns. You might not want to hear it but grow them out and soon enough you’ll be able to tuck them behind your ear or under your bangs. If you’re really frustrated, try out a new hairstyle – get a pixie, move your part, get bangs!


2. My pores are huge.

I hate to break it to you, but you can’t change the structure of your skin. But you can do things to minimize the appearance. Start with a skincare regimen that will deep cleanse your pores like Murad’s Pore Reform line. Reviewers claim that you have to stick to the regimen for a couple months to get your skin used to it so you have to commit.

Also, don’t forget to let your moisturizer absorb into your skin (5-10 minutes) before applying your primer and foundation. Primer will help your foundation stick to your skin without it actually melting into your pores.


3. My nail beds suck.

If you have a lot of ridges on your nails, put that buffer down! Try using Essie’s ridge filling base coat  that will leave you with smooth nails. And don’t forget the value of a good hand salve – keep the area around your nails moisturized so that they can grow in evenly.


4. I have really bad breath in the morning.

Stay hydrated and floss at night.


5. My hips are huge. I’ve got man shoulders.

Ladies, own it. Again, you can’t change how the good lord made ya so find clothes that you feel comfortable and confident in. You might think that those boot cut jeans or that peplum top won’t look good on you but just try it on, you might be pleasantly surprised at how adorable you look.


6. All this cranberry juice is making me break out.

Let’s clarify this – Regina was totally drinking cranberry cocktail which contains a lot of added sugar. If you really want cranberry juice, get the fresh farmers’ market stuff. It’s tart but worth it. That being said, there are several reasons why you might be breaking out: diet, stress levels, hormone imbalances, clogged pores, dirty makeup applicators and more. You can easily eliminate some culprits by staying hydrated, eating healthier, ensuring you remove all your makeup at night, and cleaning your makeup brushes regularly. If it still persists visit your doctor to see if they recommend seeing a dermatologist.




7. Using foot cream on your face

Despite popular belief, you will not grow fungus or a toe out of your face if you use foot cream. Be warned, medicated foot creams may cause an adverse reaction on your face’s delicate skin because they were formulated to battle things like athlete’s foot or toe fungus. However a basic foot cream may have more moisturizing elements that dry spots on your face will benefit from. Tip: take it easy and try out just a dab first OK?