Adorable online marriage proposal features interactive website

For all the technophobes out there, the idea of an online marriage proposal might too much to handle. But for a young Chicago couple, it proved to be one of the biggest successes of their lives.

Chicago web designer Matt Bush proposed to his girlfriend of two years, Kate Vogel, using an interactive website called This is a love story, which details the story of their relationship through a slideshow.

To arrange this high-tech surprise, Bush told Vogel be at a computer at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, at which point he emailed her a link to the website. She scanned the slideshow and at the end was instructed to meet him on the same city bench where the two started dating, reports Huffington Post.

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"When she showed up and figured out where she was, I could tell it hit her and she knew what was going down," Bush says. "Tears were in her eyes before I even started talking, so I considered that a success!"

In order to pull of this massive feat he enlisted the help of his friends, illustrator Gabe Cooper and web developer Josh Compton. Compton posted the website to Reddit on Thursday explaining that it took the trio a month and a half to develop the website.

Bush is far from the only man to have successfully pulled off a geeky and high-tech marriage proposal.

Also see: Man proposes to his girlfriend using thousands of Post-it notes

One lovestruck guy turned his girlfriend's living room into a Super Mario-themed living room where she had to bonk her head on a box that released the ring before he popped the question.

Another guy proposed to his girlfriend with a comic-book style website.

And this nerdy Romeo built his girlfriend an "Arc Reactor Heart" for an Iron Man-themed marriage proposal.

If you are ever in doubt about the intellect of men who engage in these types of bizarre marriage proposals, know that one scientist proposed to his girlfriend with an academic paper. Luckily, being a physicist herself, she was smart enough to understand it.