Why is Putting on a Bikini When You’re Plus-Sized Considered Brave? [Video]

The author of Fat Girl Walking describes her journey from being bullied as a kid to hosting her own TED Talk. In the video, Brittany Gibbons confesses that it was easier to be a fat kid in the ‘80s: “I think that now you have such targeted body shame happening across the board, and that just didn’t exist in the ‘80s. There wasn’t the internet to constantly regurgitate any of the memes that you see that are just really hateful and you aren’t always slapped in your face by social media back then.”

“The most important reason I wear a bikini is because they make me feel beautiful,” she writes on her blog. “I never had this sense of confidence or entitlement to beauty before 30, and I will be damned if I don’t gulp down every second of it. (Photo: Brittany, Herself)