Drop 50% More Body Fat with Whole Grains

Whole wheat helps you melt body fat.
Whole wheat helps you melt body fat.

If you could make a simple change in your diet to drop more pounds and body fat, would you? A new study finds switching from refined-wheat foods (like white bread or pasta) to whole-grain versions can boost your weight loss by 35% and help you melt nearly 50% more body fat.

Follow the new rules of weight loss.

In a recent study reported in the Journal of Nutrition, 79 overweight or obese postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to eat a diet containing refined or whole-grain wheat products. After 12 weeks, both groups lost weight -- 7.9 pounds for the whole wheat group vs.5.9 for the refined. The whole-wheat group also shed 3% body fat compared with 2.1% for the refined-wheat eaters.

But there was an even more dramatic result for heart health: The refined wheat eaters saw a whopping 5% increase in their total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels, while no changes were found in the whole-grain group.

Healthy eating: Everything you wanted to know about whole grains

That's great news, except only 5% of Americans actually consume the minimum recommended serving of whole grains -- three (1-ounce) equivalents per day, such as an ounce of dry pasta or a slice of bread. Still, a whopping 92% of consumers say they believe whole-grain breads are much healthier than white bread, according to The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic's Nutrition and You: Trends 2011 survey. And they're right: Processing grains strips away up to two-thirds of many of the nutrients naturally found in whole grains.

Now that you're convinced (you are, right?) to eat three or more servings of whole grains a day, how do you know you're choosing the right foods? "Be sure the word 'whole' is on the ingredient statement, such as 'whole wheat,'" says Joy Dubost, RD, CSSD and food scientist.

Also look for the seal from the Whole Grains Council on the packaging. "If a product bears the 100% Whole Grain Stamp, then all of its ingredients are whole grains. There's a minimum requirement of 16 grams - a full serving," says Dubost. If a product bears the basic Whole Grain Stamp, it contains at least 8 grams -- half a serving -- and may also include some refined grain.

But don't think you're stuck chowing down on slices of whole wheat bread every day. "Half of your intake of grains should be from a variety of whole grain sources," says Dubost. Throw some sauce on that whole wheat pasta and before long you'll be losing, not gaining, body fat.

Try these 9 quick-cooking whole grains for busy nights.

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