Want an amazing butt? Do these exercises

It only takes one look at Kim Kardashian to know that having a shapely derriere is in high demand among celebrities. But how do you get that much sought after silhouette without being rich and famous? It's not as hard as it seems.

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Sandy Hanson, personal trainer at The Next Level Training in Vancouver, shared some of the top exercises to get an amazing butt.

Squats - Start with your hips back. You should not be bending at the knees when you start this exercise. Keep your back straight and aligned, with a neutral spine. Try to keep your chest and shoulders up. Keep looking in front of you. As you squat down, think about keeping your knees in line with your feet. This way you will protect your knees while doing the exercise. Keep breathing on the way up and down.

Lunges – With this exercise you also want to keep your knees aligned.Here is a great tip – if you can, try using a mirror to make sure that your knees are aligned, that you aren’t leaning too far back or forward. Your knees, shoulders and hips should all be pointing forward. Focus on keeping those abs engaged and breath.

Deadlifts – With this exercise you will be able to target your quads, hamstrings and gluteal muscles. To start, bend your knees while keeping your back straight. It is key to bend from your hips instead of from your waist. A deadlift is not a squat. You should have your hips at angle from the ground.

Single leg hip lifts - Lie with your back on the floor and your knees bent. Your heels should be flat against the floor. Try to keep your feet about hip-width apart. Then you will take one leg off the ground and as you are doing this, straighten the leg. Engage your stomach and continue to press your heel into the floor. You should be moving your hips up and completing the exercise by flexing your glutes.

Split squats – You will want to be in the lunge position and then alternate your feet. With one foot in the front and one in the back, like a lunge, but then you will change your feet position. Where the front foot was to the back and the back to the front.

Remember to have a cool down after these exercises. Either with a walk or an activity to bring the heart rate down. Try stretching after your workout, to keep your muscles flexible and in the best condition.