The one plant you should grow this year

haskap bush with fruit
haskap bush with fruit

Growing your own produce during the summer months is a great way to eat more local and organic, and it can also help you slash your grocery bill costs.

Which is why we recently spoke with gardening guru Peter Cantley, vice-president, floral and garden for Loblaws to find out the one plant everyone should grow this year in to get the best bang for their buck.

If he had to pick just one edible to grow, Cantley says the haskap bush would be his pick.

"This is a very new, very hardy fruit bush that has been developed at the University of Saskatchewan," he says. Shaped like an elongated grape and dark blue in colour, the fruit "Tastes like a cross between a raspberry and a blueberry."

The haskap's fruit is one of the earliest to produce and the bush is hardy enough to grow pretty much anywhere in Canada says Cantley. Plants generally grow 4-5 feet tall.

You can use haskap berries (also known as honeyberries) in jam, pies, or just eating fresh right off the bush. has several recipes you can try.

High in vitamins C and A, the berries also pack a healthy punch of fibre and potassium and contain high levels of antioxidants.

Learn some gardening basics in the video below.

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