Michigan men simulate labour pains for Mother’s Day

The Dutch already did it (and did it well), but even after witnessing what a pair of male TV hosts endured after experiencing simulated childbirth, two American men decided to go through it themselves anyway.

The men, from Kensington Church in Troy, Michigan, asked gynecologist Dr. Julie Masters to hook them up to an electric labour simulation machine and crank up the juice.

A video camera was present to record the entire exercise in self-inflicted torture.

But before they submitted to this completely unnecessary nexus of pain, both men were convinced that women were just “exaggerating” about how much squeezing a human baby out of a small birth canal actually hurts.

Also see: What pregnancy really feels like

That all changed as soon as the first electric shocks hit the old abdominal walls.

“That was early labor?” says one of the men, grimacing in pain. “It feels like someone is taking a saw and just carving up my abdomen.”

As the shocks increased to mirror the growing intensity of labour pains, the men can be seen writhing in agony.

Their respective wives, who appear in the background to provide emotional and moral support, exchange a high-five at the height of their husbands’ suffering which was probably not what the husbands envisioned by emotional and moral support (but is perfectly hilarious nonetheless.)

Also see: Pregnant boys featured in Chicago teen pregnancy awareness campaign

As their torture comes to a close, these changed young men have a singular message for the mothers of the world.

“Mom, if anything that I just experienced is anywhere close to what I did to you all those years ago, I’m sorry. You’re like a superhero,” one of the men declares.

And we have epidurals now. That goes double, triple, quadruple for everyone who’s ever given birth without a shred of relief.