‘Loub job’: Cosmetic surgery craze helps women withstand sky-high heels

Women often turn to high heels for added height, polish or because the styles are just so irresistible. No matter how your weight may fluctuate, there's comfort in knowing your pretty shoes will always fit. But do you live by the old adage, "pain is beauty" when it comes to your footwear?

According to the International Business Times, cosmetic foot procedures in the U.S. have doubled in the last year and foot filler requests are up by nearly 21 per cent from last year.

Foot filler procedures, known as the "Loub job"(referring to Christian Louboutin's signature red-soled high heels), involve injecting collagen into the toe pads, heels and balls of the feet, creating a comfortable, pillow-like effect. In just 20 minutes, and for around $520 you can experience built-in foot cushions and reduced shoe-related pain for up to six months, reports the Daily Mail.

"Skyscraper heels are becoming ever more popular with the likes of Victoria Beckham and Cheryl Cole stepping out in towering stilettos on a daily basis, and British women are continuing to copy the look," Shami Thomas, spokesperson for the UK's Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group, tells the Daily Mail.

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The sad reality is, celebrities don't usually have to wear their heels for long periods of time. Unlike us, they're not generally working 9 to 5 jobs, walking to and from work or waiting in lineups. They have drivers to take them places. When the cameras are off and the Paparazzi are out of sight, they're likely sporting Toms or ballet flats like we do when our feet get sore.

But since that knowledge doesn't change women's affinity for the utterly painful footwear, and since heels are only getting taller, women are going to great lengths to make the high-heel wearing experience a bit more tolerable.

While any side effects of the allegedly pain-free "Loub job" procedure are said to last for less than 48 hours, wearing high-heeled shoes on a regular basis can result in much more permanent damage, reports The Sun UK.

"Posture is affected -- not always in a good way," Thomas tells the Daily Mail.

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According to The Sun UK, even naturally thin women can end up with pot bellies due to the way their pelvises tilt forward when wearing high heels. This, experts believe, is part of the reason why tummy tuck procedures have increased in popularity by more than a quarter since last year.

And that's not all. According to CBC News, bunions, ingrown toenails and disfigurement are other possible risks of chronic high-heel wearing, whether your feet are injected with collagen or not.

Would you consider a cosmetic procedure to allow you to wear high heels more comfortably?

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