Anonymous social media site for sharing your deepest secrets

Got a big secret you need to get off your chest? Numerous studies have shown that keeping secrets bottled up can be bad for your health -- our psyches are simply not designed to keep tantalizing bits of information buried deep inside.

Now, thanks to a new app, you can do your brain a favour and share your secrets with the world, all the while keeping your identity concealed. is a new mobile social platform that encourages users to post their secret thoughts, dreams and desires -- anything they can't share anywhere else.

The secrets being shared are at turns funny, sad, disturbing, and joyful. "I've been faking a British accent since I got to college three years ago," says one user. "I'm never going to be good enough for myself," writes another.

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Common themes include love, sex, body image, and self-esteem issues. "I got stood up tonight" writes one whisperer, while another reveals that "Only Whisper knows that today is my birthday."

Here's how it works. Users download the free Whisper app and then can scroll through the "whispers" of others. To post, users take a photo or select a photo from the app's database and then type in their whisper. There is no real profile, just a user name with a four-digit password that you must type in every time you access your own whispers.

While the whispers themselves are interesting, the dialogue in the comments sections are even more revealing.

One user's secret garnered interesting comments. It read "I feel like if I wasn't fat he would love me back" and was accompanied by a photo of her body with the face obscured. While some simply responded "I do too" or "I'd love to be your size", one commenter went a little deeper, "I'm a lot bigger than you and I found love, it does happen, it doesn't depend on size it depends on confidence. I think you're gorgeous. And remember only you have the power to change if you want to."

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Whisper isn't the only niche social networking site out there. is for those looking to make it past the pearly gates. Users earn "karma points" and ultimately get to reserve a spot in heaven. is for those who want to share their dreams and decifer their meanings, and allows you to belt out your favourite tunes and share them with others who can't get enough time on the mic in the real world.

As for Whisper, the site is growing by about 20 percent a day. Apparently there are some secrets that are just too good to keep.