The Perfect Iced Coffee

The Perfect Iced Coffee

As soon as the slightest suggestion of warmer weather is in the air, the Everyday Food test kitchen's affections for a hot afternoon tea turn to a refreshing iced coffee. We all know the numbness of the 3 o'clock slump, but few rally like the test kitchen staff.

It's like a beautiful choreographed dance: One of us grabs the stash of Illy espresso while one of us pulls out the stove-top espresso pot, measures three heaping tablespoons of coffee, and fills the bottom of the pot with water; meanwhile one of us mans the Bodum milk frother and hastily churns and froths whole milk for our iced coffees. While the coffee brews, another grabs an ice bath to chill the coffee. Soon, we're all enjoying a much-needed caffeinated libation. With pick-me-up in hand, we finish the day without longing for a nap.

1. Add three heaping tablespoons to the basket, but do not tamp it down!

2. Brew with lid open over moderate heat and remove immediately when crema begins to form.

3. While the coffee is brewing, froth the milk. we love the frother from Bodum; It's inexpensive and works well with both hot and cold milk.

4. The trick to a quick cup of iced coffee. If you're not in a rush just allow it to cool at room temp.

5. Add milk, leaving about an inch of room at the top for foam. For more tips and tricks check out the Living blog!

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