7 Things I'm Looking Forward to After Pregnancy

7 Things I'm Looking Forward to After Pregnancy
7 Things I'm Looking Forward to After Pregnancy

I've been a trooper during this pregnancy. I've been happy and glowing and soaking in every minute of the glory of being pregnant. I've persevered with daily style posts and basically written love letters to this baby about how blissfully happy I am to be with child this time around. And I've meant every single word of it. I'm thrilled to be carrying this child and feel very blessed, but there comes a point at the end of every pregnancy where you're just sort of ready to move on. Mother nature has officially kicked in and I'm uncomfortable and tired and I'm just ready to meet my sweet baby, find out if it's a boy or a girl, and move on to our next chapter. Here are the top 7 things I'm looking forward to postpartum.

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1. Wearing regular shoes again
I went though the first 32 weeks with my perfectly thin little feet and ankles, and then: bam! Reality slapped me in the face and reminded me that I was indeed pregnant, and I would indeed be getting swollen ankles for the third time. I can only wear flip-flops, my feet ache something fierce, and it hurts to walk. Everyone says "keep your feet up," but with 2 young kids to take care of, this is nearly impossible. I'll be so thrilled to wear real shoes again!

2. Being a full-fledged participant again
Oh sure, at first it's fun to sit back while your husband takes the kids to the carnival since you can't really ride anything anyhow, or it's nice to sit back and read while your family goes on a hike. But after a while it gets a wee bit boring and I'm ready to get back into the mix and be a full-fledged participant in my family's life. I love them and miss them a bit, or at least miss being the most fun mom I can be.

3. Backaches from holding Baby in my arms
My back hurts. Oh, my aching back! Ouch my back hurts! I've said all those things in the last 2 weeks and I mean it. I'm not one to complain much about aches and pains, but this is by far the worst back pain I've experienced during pregnancy, and I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with my age. The last time I was pregnant I was 30 years old after all! I look forward to having a back ache from holding my sweet baby all day instead of carrying Baby in my belly. :)

Related: 6 ways to prepare your older child for Baby's arrival

4. Sleepless nights
Oh wait. I haven't slept well in weeks, but at least in a few weeks I'll have someone to keep me company while I'm up.

5. No more strange comments from strangers
Last week someone said, in response to me telling them we weren't finding out the gender of our baby, "People still do that?!? How weird!!" I looked at them dumbfounded, and said, "Yes, can you believe how weird and crazy we are?" I openly welcome all the compliments and gushing that comes with the pride of having a newborn. Let the sweet comments commence, and the strange comments be gone!

6. Peaceful slumber
My worst pregnancy symptom so far is indeed the snoring, and it ain't pretty. My husband and I haven't slept in the same bed in weeks, and he's gone so far as to record my snoring escapades, and even I'll admit they're bad. Really bad. I'm mortified to think I sound like that and can't wait to sleep like a sweet princess once again!

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7. Walking like a lady
I've hit the full-blown waddling stage and sure people tell you how cute it is and how sweet, and they try to make you feel better, but you're still walking like a duck. I'm ready to walk like a human again, carrying my sweet little bundle with me.

- ByAndrea Howe

For 3 more things I'm looking forward to after pregnancy, visit Disney Baby!

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5 ways to bond with your unborn baby
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