
6 Free Things Your Kids Want More Than Anything

6 Free Things Your Kids Want More Than Anything
6 Free Things Your Kids Want More Than Anything

I struggle with mom guilt with the best of 'em. Am I enough? Will they grow up to be good people? Do I know what I'm doing?

The answers to all of these questions is a resounding I dunno. My husband is of the "parenting doesn't have to be so hard" camp. He insists love, attention, and living as a prime example are enough to mold wee ones into damn fine adults. Could it really be that easy?

With a degree in Child Development, a mild parenting book addiction, and years of experience as a mom blogger, I think I've finally figured out the 6 simple things kids want more than anything from their parents; check 'em out after the jump!

Related: 20 simple ways to show kids love

Their Story
Their Story

1. Their Story
You are your child's connection to their past. Share stories of your child's birth, what they were like as a baby, how proud you are of how they've grown. Whip out those baby books and photo albums and reminisce about all the wonderful ways life continues to change because of them. For tips on becoming a better storyteller, check out's Tell Me Our Story.

A Listening Ear
A Listening Ear

2. A Listening Ear
It may seem obvious, but how often do we stop what we're doing, make eye-contact with our children, and actually listen? Not nearly enough. PBS Parents offers these effective strategies on how to Spend Time Listening.

Discipline, No Really
Discipline, No Really

3. Discipline, No Really
While it may seem like your kid hates discipline as much as you hate dishing it out, kids actually yearn for boundaries. It's true, check out Dr. Oz's Your Kids Want Boundaries.

Related: 12 things your kids MUST see you do

Time Together
Time Together

4. Time Together
Parents, put down your smart phone and do something really smart by spending quality time with your kids. It's good for you, good for them, and the stuff memories are made of. Parents Magazine offers these useful tips on How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Child.


5. Affection
Affection is a basic human need. Our children crave the assurance and comfort of our loving touch so get hugging! Parenting Magazine offers 7 Ways to Show Your Kids Love.

A Life Skill Teacher
A Life Skill Teacher

6. A Life Skill Teacher
As parents we're always spouting off what to do and what not to do but teaching our children valuable life skills matters. Check out Babble's Practical Home Ec tips for kids of all ages.

- By Lori Garcia
Follow Lori on Babble

For 25 things every kid should experience, visit Babble!


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