10 Superstitions You Shouldn't Mess with on Friday the 13th

13 Superstitions You Shouldn't Mess with On Friday the 13th
13 Superstitions You Shouldn't Mess with On Friday the 13th

It's almost Friday the 13th and you know what that means: Bad luck!

We're a little superstitious here at Casa de Chaos. There are some quirky beliefs that pop up only once in a while, while others occur on a daily basis.

"It's 11:11! Make a wish!"

Not every common superstition bugs us. We're quite likely to pet a black cat, should one cross our path. Certain other things, we don't mess with. Some of these superstitions are practically tradition, inherited from grandparents. Others have been adopted by my kids.

Make a Wish and Blow out the Candles
Make a Wish and Blow out the Candles

1. Make a Wish and Blow out the Candles

Technically we believe that you get two wishes on your birthday. The first when you blow out the candles, the second when you cut the cake!

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Fortune Cookie Rules
Fortune Cookie Rules

2. Fortune Cookie Rules

You must open the first cookie that you touch. Once you touch it (unless you work at the restaurant) the fortune inside is yours. Adding "in bed" to the end of the fortune is optional.

Lost Lashes
Lost Lashes

3. Lost Lashes

Losing an eyelash is no reason to cry. It's a wish-op! You must catch it on a fingertip (someone else can do this for you) and blow.

There's Been Some Talk....
There's Been Some Talk....

4. There's Been Some Talk....

When your ears are ringing, someone has been talking about you. If it's the right ear, they are saying nice things. If it's the left... look out!

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Never Kill a Spider
Never Kill a Spider

5. Never Kill a Spider

There are exceptions to this rule for poisonous archanids, of course. But you'd better be sure that's a black widow you're squishing. The boys in our house are expert spider re-locators.

Jinx, Double Jinx!
Jinx, Double Jinx!

6. Jinx, Double Jinx!

When two people say the same thing at the same time, the first one to call this out is not forced to take a vow of silence, or risk bad luck. I'm not even sure why we follow this, but we do.

He Loves Me
He Loves Me

7. He Loves Me

Flowers are very reliable, you know. Plucking petals to determine the faithfulness of your paramour is a popular pastime ... particularly with pre-teens.

Eww... Are you sure it's Good Luck?
Eww... Are you sure it's Good Luck?

8. Eww... Are you sure it's Good Luck?

When a bird poops on you or you step in dog poop it sure doesn't feel like good luck. But just wait...

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Heads Up Pennies!
Heads Up Pennies!

9. Heads Up Pennies!

Find a penny, pick it up and all day you'll have good luck - but only if it's heads up! So don't go picking up tails-up pennies!

Lucky as a Four Leaf Clover
Lucky as a Four Leaf Clover

10. Lucky as a Four Leaf Clover

Four leaf clovers are certainly good luck, if you can find them. But you'll never find them unless you look!

- By Ciaran Blumenfeld

For 3 more superstitions you shouldn't mess with on Friday the 13th, visit Babble!


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Ciaran Blumenfeld
Ciaran Blumenfeld

Ciaran Blumenfeld

is a producer, designer, publisher and "crazy busy" mom of 4 kids whose ages range from pre-school to high school. Juggling four kids in four schools has earner her "Momfluential" title but what this really means is that her clothing is almost always embarrassing someone, and also probably has glitter on it.

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