Strengthen Your Love by Doing Chores Together Now

While this might not be the most romantic weekend, it will certainly be productive. You're likely to use this "workaholic" energy to labor on your love life, and if so you might actually find this to be a gratifying use of your time.

If you're not working on specific issues in your relationship, then you might simply tackle a DIY project with your mate over the weekend. Whether it's a domestic task or actually work related doesn't matter as much as the fact that you'll be rolling up your sleeves and pitching in for a mutual goal.

The Moon will square off with Saturn early Saturday morning, and it is possible that you'll begin to feel as if this weekend is a total wash in terms of hot and heavy love potential. But remember, even if all you do this weekend is clean the house together and run errands, you'll be strengthening your bond.

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* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.