Eat Healthier by Tomorrow: Three Tiny Tweaks

Eat Healthier
Eat Healthier

You know how information overload is like Kryptonite to decision making? Too much stuff in your kitchen (or hiding places -- we YOU Docs know you have them), like snacks on the counter or in the glove compartment, platters with enough food for a swim team, messes with your brain's ability to make smart choices. But healthy can be easy if you change your "kitchenscape"in these simple ways:

  1. In your kitchen: Ready-to-grab foods on the counter are going to make it into your mouth most often. Hide candy in a locked cupboard (or give it to your coworkers, especially ones you may not have a close relationship with, and do not replace it), and set out a bowl of fresh fruit (keep replenishing it). In your fridge, bring produce out of hiding. In the pantry, keep only a couple of packages of one type of healthy treat (whole-grain pretzels or unsalted nuts) on hand, not the supersize packs from the big-box store. Here's a surprising way you can stave off snack attacks.

  2. On your table: The greater the variety of food, the more you'll eat, so present just a few options (maybe a main and two veggies) at dinner.

  3. On your plate: If you use a 15-inch (yes some people have platters for plates) or 11-inch plate, you'll serve yourself more food -- and eat more -- than if you used a 9-inch one. Watch this quick video for more portion-control pointers.

Bottom line: A plate, table, or kitchen with too much food is like Mount Everest to an explorer: You'll eat it "because it's there." Smarten up your environment and health and the skinny pants will follow.