Brite Lights

There are many things in life that detours us from seeing our full potential. From paying the bills,clearing our credit, raising kids, finding bargains to meet our budget and the list goes on. But in the midst of our searching a Window of Grace opens up to give us light in the right direction. These are what I call, "simple thoughts of living." The "Aha's" that comes to knock us on the head to turn the switch on to the answers that we seek. They may come from a simple hello to a kind gesture of unexpected blessings. Sometimes they even drop pearls of wisdom to cherish lessons being taught. They do not judge our character rather they give us guidance like a boat's ruder. We trod this earthly path as pilgrims discovering our makeup along the way. These moments steer us in the right direction that the Creator of the Universe had intended for us to fulfill. Often we are so laden down with burdens that we cannot see the road that lyes ahead. They are breaths of fresh air when the smog of stress seem to smoother us. That is when these "simple thoughts of living" intervenes like angels on assignment to aide us to believe and have hope for the future. Where there is hope there is no failure as long as you keep moving. Life is a process of growth that is endured with the strength of its believer. We are not alone in this battle, although the challenges that arises make things seem impossible. There is a Loving Creator that gives us glimpses of hope to encourage His creation that they can succeed and that they are important.

"You are good,you are blessed and you are important."
sincerely Rose Garden