3 All-Natural, Instant Energy Boosters

Falling asleep at your desk? Getting a slow and sluggish start to the day? Don't reach for the coffee--try these all-natural, instant energy boosters instead!

Ditch the coffee and try these all-natural energy boosters.
Ditch the coffee and try these all-natural energy boosters.

1. Tap your thymus: "Your thymus is located at center top of your chest, below the collar bone, between your breasts. When tapped it triggers the production of T-cells, boosts energy , relieves stress, and increases strength and vitality," says Marian Buck-Murray, a nutrition coach and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner in Maplewood, New Jersey.

For an instant boost of energy, Buck-Murray recommends tapping your thymus with your fingertips for 20 seconds, while slowly and deeply breathing in and out.

2. Give your brain a boost: Next time you're fighting off the urge to doze off at your desk, try blinking more often, suggests Dr. Douglas N. Graham, author of The 80/10/10 Diet. "When reading, watching television, viewing the computer , or otherwise engaged, blink 10 to 20 times per minute, rather than staring at the screen or page without blinking at all. Your brain takes a mini-vacation with each blink."

3. Socialize with high-energy friends: Surround yourself with people who help motivate and uplift you to revitalize your body and mind. "Associate with high-energy friends. Their energy and enthusiasm will soon enough rub off on you," Dr. Graham says.

For more instant ways to boost your energy, click here!

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