The 10 Week Wedding Body Challenge: Week Two - Arms

Arms can be the biggest bugbear for brides, but PT Scott Laidler has a programme to get your limbs looking lovely, whatever the dress

With two weeks* of workouts under my belt I'm feeling stronger, more enthused and a bit tighter. So it's time to focus on specific areas and one key concern for me (and many other brides-to-be) is arms.

I hate them and fear they will never look even vaguely passable in a dress. But Scott isn't phased.

(*week one here)

Because who doesn't want arms like Jennifer Aniston? (REX)
Because who doesn't want arms like Jennifer Aniston? (REX)

Here's what he recommends (complete with handy photos to follow) to whip those arms into shape:

Lots of people comment on the best way to sculpt upper arms and beat bingo wings but, honestly, the best way to do this is to combine super-set weight training (for increasing muscle mass and sculpting) with cardio (for fat burning and visible definition).

•    Aim to do at least 40 minutes of cardio, twice a week.
•    This will help you to reduce your body fat percentage. To see the results of your weight training, your body fat percentage needs to be between 18-24 per cent.

•    This will increase your muscle mass and give definition. Plus, the more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism with become and by default this will help you to burn more fat.

Here are three great super-sets to work your biceps and triceps.

Superset 1: Bicep curls with dumbbells followed by bench dips

Bicep Curls

Scott demonstrates bicep curls (Yahoo)
Scott demonstrates bicep curls (Yahoo)

•    Feet shoulder width apart. Keep your knees soft and brace your abs
•    Arms extended, palms facing forwards, raise the dumbbells (4kg) towards your chest
•    Tense at the top. Lower the dumbbell to the start position. Maintain posture.
•    Repeat

Bench Dips

Bench dips (Yahoo)
Bench dips (Yahoo)

•    Sit on the bench. Place your hands on the edge of the bench underneath your bum.
•    Take a step forward. With your knees at 90 degrees, lower your body towards the ground using your arms for the main movement.
•    Using your arms to lift your body weight back up. Return to the start position. Repeat.
Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise. Each time perform the bicep curls and immediately follow with the bench dips. This is one set.

Superset 2: Hammer curl followed by decline dumbbell triceps extension

Hammer Curl

Hammer curls (Yahoo)
Hammer curls (Yahoo)

•    Same as the bicep curl except you need to keep your palms facing towards your body.

Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Overhead Tricep Extension with Dumbbell (Yahoo)
Overhead Tricep Extension with Dumbbell (Yahoo)

•    Stand straight. Hold 1 dumbbell above your head. Loosely in both hands, palms facing upwards.
•    Keep your elbows tucked close to your head. Lower the dumbbell behind your back.
•    Hold and tense. Raise the dumbbell to the start position. Repeat.
•    Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise. Each time perform the hammer curls and immediately follow with the dumbbell triceps extensions. This is one set.

Superset 3: Hammer curls (or bicep curls) followed by tricep kick backs

Tricep Kick Backs

Tricep kick backs (Yahoo)
Tricep kick backs (Yahoo)

•    Hold a 4kg dumbbell in each hand. Position your body so that your legs are slightly squatting and your torso is leaning forward at a 45 degree angle.
•    Bending your elbows, position them slightly behind your body. Keep them tucked tightly into your ribs.
•    Extend your arms towards your armpits until your triceps feel fully contracted.

Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise. Each time perform the hammer curls and immediately follow with the tricep kick backs. This is one set.

You can also do body weight exercises. These will strengthen your core, and tone up your legs and stomach in the process.

Weighted Reverse Lunge

Weighted reverse lunge (Yahoo)
Weighted reverse lunge (Yahoo)

•    Hold an 8kg dumbbell in each hand. Arms by your side.
•    Legs shoulder width apart, step backwards until there’s a 90 degree angle between your left and right knees. Keep abs braced.
•    Push back to the start position. Repeat. (Remember to alternate legs.)
Do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps


Deadlift (Yahoo)
Deadlift (Yahoo)

•    Hold 8kg dumbbells flat against your thighs.
•    Maintaining a straight back, lower your back to a 90 degree angle. Keeping your arms outstretched. Lower the dumbbells to run along your shins.
•    As your reach your feet. Reverse the movement. Squeeze your glutes at the top.
Do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps

Weighted Squats

Weighted Squats (Yahoo)
Weighted Squats (Yahoo)

•    Hold a 4kg dumbbell in each hand by your shoulders.
•    Maintaining a straight back, abs braced and legs shoulder width apart. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Push back up.
•    Repeat.
Do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps

Do these exercises at least three times a week (along with two sessions of cardio for fat burning).

If you need some more guidance (or someone to make you actually do it) Scott offers one-to-one online training for £150 for six weeks. Visit and find him on Twitter @Scott_Laidler.

If you want to follow my 10-week training plan, check out its intro in Week One's Blog and check back next week for more.