7 Quick Mood Boosters

Reach for the sky

Get on your feet, look to the ceiling and stretch your arms straight up, spreading your fingers. "The simple act of standing prompts a boost in circulation, delivering oxygen- and energy-rich blood to your cells," explains psychotherapist Kimberly Willis, PhD, author of The Little Book of Diet Help: Expert Tips and Tapping Techniques to Stay Slim for Life. And smile as you hold the stretch: It will trigger the release of feel-good brain chemicals. Photo by Thinkstock

Turn "to-do" into "it's done!"

Turns out that just having a to-do list can seem overwhelming and make you feel tired instead of inspired to finish the tasks. So, create an "it's done" list to give yourself a sense of achievement, suggests Tamar Chansky, PhD, author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety. Take a minute to write down or type up 10 quick things you've accomplished today or this week.
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Use your imagination

Has a hectic day left you longing for a relaxing beach vacation? Go there-in your mind. "Your brain responds the same way to a vividly imagined experience as it does to a real one," says George Pratt, PhD, coauthor of Code to Joy: The Four-Step Solution to Unlocking Your Natural State of Happiness . Close your eyes and focus on the sights, smells and tastes (the sensory parts) of your chosen escape.

Go for the good carbs

To boost your levels of serotonin, a calming brain chemical, try a carb-rich snack. No, this isn't a free pass to binge on chips: It only takes about 30 g of carbohydrate (4 cups of air-popped popcorn) to get the lift. Try half of a whole-grain English muffin with 1 Tbsp jam, or 1/2 cup oatmeal.
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Put on something bright

Just changing out of that gray or black shirt and putting on one in a bold color can give you a lift, says Jennifer Baumgartner, PsyD, psychologist and author of You Are What You Wear . Bright shades of red, pink and yellow are best for stimulating your brain.

Try acupressure

One quick way to ease stress from a bad mood? Rub an acupressure point that helps release tension in your body, suggests Dr. Willis. Grab the skin between your thumb and first finger with the thumb and first finger of your other hand. Gently massage in circles for a minute, then repeat on the other hand.
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Choose your words wisely

"Nothing's going right! Everythingis out of control!" Sound familiar? When you get stressed, it's easy toslip into an all-or-nothing mentality. But that can just drag you down, says Dr. Chansky. A simple solution: Use the word some. In other words, "Some things are going right, some things aren't." Suddenly, the glass is looking half-full.

Original article appeared on WomansDay.com.

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