5 Things to Do with... Coffee Grounds

If you drink coffee, chances are that you drink it every day. Sure, sometimes you get it on the go, but if you're anything like me, there are plenty of occasions when you brew the stuff at home. Now, think back over the years to all the coffee grounds you've chucked into the garbage. If that strikes you as a waste, then you may be interested to know there are many different practical uses for coffee grounds both in and around the home—and a few might even surprise you! 1. FERTILIZE YOUR GARDEN

Uses for Coffee Grounds - Fertilizer
Uses for Coffee Grounds - Fertilizer

Coffee grounds contain calcium, potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, all of which are highly beneficial to plant growth. Aware of these qualities, experienced gardeners have long known that one of the best uses for coffee grounds is adding it as a fertilizer near acid-loving varieties like azaleas and rosebushes. 2. FIX UP FURNITURE

Uses for Coffee Grounds - Furniture
Uses for Coffee Grounds - Furniture

Some uses for coffee grounds may seem odd, but believe it or not this trick really works: Yes, coffee grounds can effectively conceal a scratch in dark wood furniture. With a cotton swab, rub the grounds into the scratch (or scratches), let them sit for 5 or 10 minutes, then clean them off with a dry cloth. 3. DETER SNAILS

Uses for Coffee Grounds - Snails
Uses for Coffee Grounds - Snails

You learn something new every day: Snails hate caffeine. In fact, if the dosage is a high enough, caffeine can be lethal to gastropods. So, if snails have been sabotaging your flower beds and vegetable patches, try sprinkling coffee grounds at the base of affected plants. Many people say that tea leaves work, too. 4. DEODORIZE YOUR FRIDGE

Is your refrigerator or freezer getting a little funky? Let a bowl of coffee grounds sit for several hours or overnight. The granules not only absorb foul odors, but also impart their own refreshing scent. If you love the effects of coffee but not its smell, try mixing in a few drops of vanilla or cinnamon extract. 5. ENRICH COMPOST

Uses for Coffee Grounds - Compost
Uses for Coffee Grounds - Compost

Coffee grounds make an excellent addition to the backyard compost heap, because they contain nitrogen, which compost can't do without. Also, coffee grounds attract the earthworms that further aid decomposition. Just remember to balance the nitrogenous grounds with carbon-rich materials such as leaves.

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