17 Last-Minute Halloween Costumes You Can Make at Home for Free!

You need a Halloween costume and fast. Forget mad dashes to the store; the following last-minute ideas all use items that you probably already have in your house.

1. Static Cling

This costume is great because you can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. Just safety pin socks or other articles of clothing to your outfit and you’re done.

2. Christmas Tree
If you celebrate Christmas, you’re just weeks away from digging up your best holiday decorations anyway, so why not get a head start? To deck your own halls, just wear a green top and brown pants and trim yourself with tinsel, garlands, and ornaments. Finish with a star attached to a headband and you’re good to go.

3. Prom Queen
What other costume allows you to relive your high-school days?! Either dust off your old prom gown or don one of your favorite stylish cocktail dresses. Use ribbon or old party streamers to make a sash and write the words Prom Queen on it. Voila!—a costume that is both recognizable and party-ready!

4. Mummy

This Halloween classic is so easy! Mummify yourself by wrapping white streamers around your outfit. Don’t have any streamers? Use toilet paper! Fasten it with tape and top off the look with heavy eyeliner and baby powder dusted on your face to appear ghostly. No need for it to be perfect, you’ve just emerged from the grave after all!

5. Spider

No need to buy this creep crawly costume from a store. All you need is an all-black outfit and three pairs of black tights or nylons. Stuff the legs of the tights with pillow stuffing, newspaper, or tissue paper and fasten the tights to your shirt. Counting your own appendages, you’ve just become an eight-legged bug.

6. Gold Digger
We’re not sayin’ you’re a gold digger, but if you wear all gold and yellow and carry a shovel, you could be. Be sure to dance like crazy when Kanye West’s “Gold Digger” comes on at the party!

7. Snuggie Commercial

Do you curl up with a Snuggie or Slanket? Well then you have an instant costume. Re-create the well-known commercial by wearing your Snuggie and carrying a bowl of popcorn and the TV remote with you.

See costumes inspired by TV and movies!

8. Pig in a Blanket

All you need to bring this cocktail-party staple to life is string, the cardboard center from a roll of toilet paper, paper, a pink pen, and a blanket.  Start by cutting the toilet paper roll so it’s a quarter of its original length and punching a hole on both sides. Tie ribbon or string through the holes so your “snout” can attach to your head like a mask. Cut out a circle of paper that’s wide enough to cover an end of the toilet paper roll, draw two big nostrils the piece of paper and tape it onto the end of the roll to complete the snout. Finally, throw a blanket around yourself and you’re done!

9. Jellyfish

You’ll be a gorgeous creature from the sea and prepared for rain in this clever costume. Attach streamers or ribbon to the tips of a dome-shaped umbrella to simulate tentacles.

10. Stranger with Candy

You’ll be a hit at the party with this hilarious costume. All you need to do is write “Stranger” on a T- hirt and carry a big bag of candy that says “Candy” on it. Hand out the candy to complete the effect.

Check out the top 10 funniest Halloween costumes!

11. Black-Eyed Pea
If you have black eyeliner and a plain T-shirt, you have the makings for a conversation-starting costume.  Create a “black eye” by coloring in a circle with black eyeliner. Then write a “P” on your shirt.

12. Salt and Pepper
This one is cute costume for the couple that always brings flavor to a party. One of you should dress in all black with a giant “P” on your shirt, while the other wears all white with a giant “S.”

13. French Toast

If you want to bring a little extra joie de vivre to any Halloween bash without working for it, don a beret and raise a champagne glass and declare “Toast!” frequently. Voila!—you’re French Toast! Extra points if you can deliver a French accent!

14. Chocolate Kisses

This is the perfect flirty costume without crossing into Mean Girls territory. Simply use dark brown lipstick to make kiss marks all over a white T-shirt. Keep the lipstick on all night so you can give chocolate kisses.

Get your flirt on with a sexy costume!

15. Pale Ale
This tasty October brew also makes for a tongue-in-cheek costume! Write the word “Ale” on your T-shirt and white out your face with white face paint or baby powder to become Pale Ale.

16. Hound Dog

This costume allows you to finally make use of your unpaired socks! Put a brown or black sock over each ear. Using black eyeliner, draw a circle around one eye, color the tip of your nose black, and draw whiskers on your cheeks. Dress in brown or black and finish off the ensemble by pinning a sock in the back for a tail.

17. Yogini

This costume requires no past yoga experience. Stuff tights with batting or newspaper and tie the legs around your head so it looks as if you’re contorted into a difficult yoga pose. Hide your real legs with a long, black skirt and wear a sports bar or cute yoga top as a shirt. 

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Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.

photo credit: istockphoto.com