Will Pull-On Denim be the new Jeggings?

Pull-On Denim by Beiji-Flor
Pull-On Denim by Beiji-Flor

We're always seeking out the next big denim trend, and while 1970s flares are big for spring, comfortable jean hybrids have really taken over the market. For the record we're on Team Jeggings (as long as zippers and pockets are still involved), anti- pajama jeans, and think JeanPants are a total joke. Pull-On Denim is the latest jean on the market, and we're not sure where we stand.

Pull-On Denim (aka POD jeans) was created by a Brazilian company called Beija-Flor and while they look like jeans and are made of denim, they have some major differences for your average pair. The first thing you'll notice is no zipper and button (see, this is why we're hesitant). En lieu of a typical closure, they feature a stretchy waistband that flattens your tummy. Sounds a lot like maternity jeans, no? They also hug your curves and are very stretchy and comfortable, aka all the things we love about Jeggings. Their website claims they're so comfortable you'll want to sleep in them, and that they're super flattering under tops since your abs will be flat and you'll avoid the dreaded button bump. They're available online from a size 0 to a size 16 at ilovethesejeans.com.

We think many women will love this easy, comfy, and surprisingly flattering style, while many may cringe at the latest incarnation of lazy fashion. Would you wear Pull-On Denim?