Fitness Walking Tips

Walking is the easiest thing you can do to get in a daily dose of exercise; it’s low-impact, free, and can be done virtually anywhere at any time you choose. Find out what walking can do for your body and how to do it right.

Walking is gentle on the joints and an exercise suitable for almost anyone, even those suffering from certain conditions or physical limitations. You can do it alone to relax or bring along a friend or  loved one to pass the time in conversation and keep motivated. Walk at your own pace and listen to your body and you can burn a surprising number of calories. On flat terrain, a half-hour walk at a brisk pace through the mall, or around the block can burn 75 to 100 calories. Hike up some hills and you can reach 200 to 250 calories.

[See also: Exercises for those who hate exercising]

Keep these tips in mind to make walking part of your stay fit routine:

- The only equipment you really need for walking is a decent pair of

shoes. Make sure they are comfortable and of enough quality that they will provide your feet and back with adequate support to prevent any unnecessary injury.

- Consider the time of day you want to walk and prepare accordingly. If it's night you may want to bring a flashlight and wear reflective clothing, and also ensure your route is relatively safe. Always let someone know your planned walking route in case of an emergency. In the day you might need a hat and  sunglasses and a bottle of water to keep your body temperature in check on a hot or sunny day.

- The temperature will also affect your walking. In the winter months make sure to go out with layers that you can add or subtract if you get uncomfortable. Gloves and a hat will keep your body temperature at a good level. In the warmer months wear loose and comfortable clothing that you won’t have to fidget with.

- Consider enlisting a friend or neighbour as a walking buddy and plan set times of the day or week for your walk and stick to the schedule.

- Create a walking route through your neighbourhood, or find a park or trail nearby that is ideal for you to walk safely. You can also consider joining a walking group that can be found at many community centres and shopping malls.

- To get in some extra calorie-burning activity while walking, pump your arms to tone the upper body. You might want to bring small weights three or five pounds each to hold for extra arm toning.

- Try interval walking: Normal pace for five minutes, fast for 30 seconds and repeat.

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