Kansas boy, 13, suspended for carrying purse to class

"I don't think everyone should be treated differently," Skyler Davis, 13, told reporters Wednesday. "Everyone should have the same privileges."

The Grade 8 student from Kansas claims he was defending his right to carry a purse at school, something his female classmates are allowed to do with no repercussions.

Skyler was suspended from Anderson County Senior-Junior School in east central Garnett on Wednesday after he refused to take off his floral Vera Bradley purse.

"I was furious. Then I called to confirm the story. It was true, he refused to take off his Vera Bradley bag, nothing more to it," Skyler's mother, Leslie Willis, tells Fox 25.

Anderson County School District Superintendent Don Blome insists that no student, regardless of gender, is permitted to carry a bag, purse, satchel or backpack in core classrooms like English and math. All bags are to be stored in lockers during class time.

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"We strive to make sure we treat every kid alike and there are classroom rules we expect kids to follow," he told KCTV5 on Thursday. "They can bring (bags and purses) to school. There's no policy against that. But the classroom rules are that they can't bring it to the classroom."

"We are not going out there to discriminate against anybody," he added.

Skyler insists he's been wearing the colourful bag for months.

"Skyler has been going to school since August with that same Vera Bradley bag on, hasn't taken it off. What is the problem?" Willis asks, adding that she reviewed the student handbook and saw no mention of bags or purses.

Sklyer's story went viral after it was first published two days ago.

"I think it is pretty cool that Skyler is making a stand and it's causing somebody to listen," Willis says.

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The school and student are currently equally stubborn in the positions and appear locked in a stalemate.

The school won't life Skyler's suspension until he ditches his purse — and Skyler has no intentions of doing so.

Skyler's brother, Dakota Haight, sees the entire situation as unfair.

"I've seen girls wear short shorts. Why don't they get kicked out? But then he gets kicked out for a purse?" he says. "That doesn't make sense. It's not right"

Frustrated mother Willis wants the bag rule to become a formal part of the student handbook to avoid any confusion in the future.

Do you think Skyler should be allowed to carry his bag to class?