Finally, a scientific cure for a hangover

Just in time for the long weekend: A scientific cure for a hangover.

"Don't want a hangover, but love the weekend a bit too much? You've heard all the myths and tried all the pills — but what legitimate ways can you prevent and cure your hangover? Follow these scientifically analyzed steps and you'll wake up on your way to being a normal, function human again!" write researchers Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown of AsapSCIENCE on YouTube.

In a new video, the duo tell us what to eat and drink before, during and after a night on the town:

Their helpful, headache-preventing tips include the following:

Eat fatty and carb-heavy foods before you drink, hydrate with water all night long, take an aspirin before bed — but not Tylenol, as it can do damage to the liver when combined with alcohol — and eat a hangover-curing breakfast of eggs, bananas and fruit juice.

The advice is pretty simple, but Moffit and Brown claim it works. After all, it's science.

Their scientific wisdom concludes with recommending that you know your limits. As each individual metabolizes alcohol differently, it's important to know when to stop.

What's your go-to hangover remedy?

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