10-year-old boy with no arms learns to play trumpet

10-year-old boy with no arms learns to play trumpet

A 10-year-old boy with no arms is the latest Internet star after learning to play the trumpet with his feet.

Firth-grader Jahmir Wallace of Phillipsburg, New Jersey was born without arms and does everything from eating to dressing himself with his feet.

The young Stevie Wonder-inspired musician mastered the guitar three years ago, but has wanted to learn the trumpet since Grade 3. The fact that he doesn't have arms didn't dissuade him.

"My older sister used to play the piano, so I decided maybe I should try to play an instrument," he tells local news station KREM TV. "I thought maybe I could figure out new things."

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A local music store created a special stand to hold Wallace's trumpet while he blasts out tunes with fellow band members at Green Street Elementary School.

Once he produced his very first note about four months ago, he was hooked.

"I kind of felt excited," the young boy tells Fox. "It felt like, oh man, this is kind of comfortable, and this might be the one for me."

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Wallace's hard work and perseverance serve as an inspiration for so many kids and adults with disabilities who are intimidated by the idea of taking up a musical instrument.

He joins the ranks of other disabled musicians, including those who are hearing-impaired, blind and without fingers.

"Anybody out there that would like to try an instrument, go ahead and try it. You never know," he says encouragingly.