Pants on Fire! the 7 Weirdest Lies Men Tell Women

Women are said to be great liars. But men, well, they may just be the weirdest liars. How weird? I scoured the Internet to find out and have my own experience to share. Let's start with my odd but true tale. The weirdest lie a man has ever told me was that he was born in the Dominican Republic and in Haiti. Yes. This man is so special that his infant body blessed two countries. You'd think he was Jesus. What he actually meant (and I later discovered) was that his mother was in a Haitian airport waiting to take a flight to the Dominican Republic. He was in fact born in Haiti. He just didn't want to admit it because of his Dominican pride. Alas, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Like I said, men have quirky imaginations. Click through for the 7 weirdest lies men tell women! -By Sujeiry Gonzalez


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