3 Common Drinking Habits That Are Worse Than You Think

Maybe your days of beer pong, flip cup, and funnels are a thing of the past, but that's not to say that some habits from your old drinking days are still with you. Read below for three habits that we're guilty of—and you might be too! Related: Beauty Myths Debunked

Myth #1: Eating before bed will absorb the alcohol and mute a hangover.

Nice try, but food has to be in your stomach before you drink to help a hangover. If you're busy digesting steak, your martini will be delivered to your bloodstream more slowly, giving it less of a chance to accumulate to the headache-worthy levels. (All food slows  digestion, but fat does it best. Related: 10 Foods That Make You Sleepy and 10 That Keep You Awake

Myth #2: Drinks with fewer calories are always a healthier choice.

As if. According to a study by Chris Rayner, M.D., of the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia, people actually get more drunk after ordering up diet cocktails. The reason? The fewer calories in the drink, the more quickly it empties from your stomach. Blood initially passes through the liver, where some  of the alcohol is filtered out. But faster emptying saturates the liver, so more alcohol ultimately makes it  through to your bloodstream. Related: The Truth About Alcohol and Weight Loss

Myth #3: Wine is better for you than beer.

Wine gets all of the health props, but studies consistently show that people who drink beer in moderation so receive health benefits — including a lower risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's, and osteoporosis. And  when it comes to how you feel the next day, beer is the gentler choice. "Specific compounds in red wine,  like tannins, can trigger headaches in susceptible people," says Swift, "and that just adds to the  hangover." Related: Caffeinated Vodka—Worth It?

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